
我正在尝试“重置”我的RichTextBox格式(WinForms,而不是WPF)。 我以前用过

richTextBox.Text = richTextBox.Text; 

然而,这似乎突然让我失望了。 现在无论我将richTextBox.Text设置richTextBox.Text ,它都会保留一些rtf格式。


 richTextBox.Rtf = richTextBox.Text; 

但是,抱怨格式不正确。 必须有一个更好的方法来做到这一点。 (当然,选择整个事物,然后重置背面颜色,前颜色和字体工作,但这会导致闪烁,因为选择整个事物然后取消选择,加上它更慢并且需要更多代码。)任何人都有任何的想法?


 string tempTxt = richTextBox.Text; richTextBox.Clear(); richTextBox.Text = tempTxt; 


编辑2:要清楚,我希望在保留文本的同时删除所有格式。 看起来第一次编辑中的代码将会发布,除非其他任何人都有更高效/更好的编码方式。


 richTextBox.Text = richTextBox.Text.ToString(); 

似乎没有用,因为它仍然无法清除所有格式。 我不喜欢上面第一个编辑中的方法的原因是,当文本框清除它然后重新输入文本时,它会使文本框“闪烁”。 看起来应该只是一个richTextBox.ResetFormatting()方法,或者某种方式来访问相同的function,因为Clear()方法清楚(没有双关语)除了简单地清除所有文本之外还会进行某种格式化重置。



可悲的是,我已尽最大努力将其缩小到只需要的代码。 它仍然很大,但它会起作用。 .Net中的RichTextBox api是非常有限的,可以做任何你几乎要进入Win32库的东西。 我已经围绕这个东西构建了一个完整的库,所以我可以切换粗体并确定是否在选择中实际设置了粗体。


 RichTextBox te = ...; te.ClearAllFormatting(new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25f)); 


 static class RichTextExtensions { public static void ClearAllFormatting(this RichTextBox te, Font font) { CHARFORMAT2 fmt = new CHARFORMAT2(); fmt.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(fmt); fmt.dwMask = CFM_ALL2; fmt.dwEffects = CFE_AUTOCOLOR | CFE_AUTOBACKCOLOR; fmt.szFaceName = font.FontFamily.Name; double size = font.Size; size /= 72;//logical dpi (pixels per inch) size *= 1440.0;//twips per inch fmt.yHeight = (int)size;//165 fmt.yOffset = 0; fmt.crTextColor = 0; fmt.bCharSet = 1;// DEFAULT_CHARSET; fmt.bPitchAndFamily = 0;// DEFAULT_PITCH; fmt.wWeight = 400;// FW_NORMAL; fmt.sSpacing = 0; fmt.crBackColor = 0; //fmt.lcid = ??? fmt.dwMask &= ~CFM_LCID;//don't know how to get this... fmt.dwReserved = 0; fmt.sStyle = 0; fmt.wKerning = 0; fmt.bUnderlineType = 0; fmt.bAnimation = 0; fmt.bRevAuthor = 0; fmt.bReserved1 = 0; SendMessage(te.Handle, EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_ALL, ref fmt); } private const UInt32 WM_USER = 0x0400; private const UInt32 EM_GETCHARFORMAT = (WM_USER + 58); private const UInt32 EM_SETCHARFORMAT = (WM_USER + 68); private const UInt32 SCF_ALL = 0x0004; private const UInt32 SCF_SELECTION = 0x0001; [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = false)] static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 Msg, UInt32 wParam, ref CHARFORMAT2 lParam); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] struct CHARFORMAT2 { public int cbSize; public uint dwMask; public uint dwEffects; public int yHeight; public int yOffset; public int crTextColor; public byte bCharSet; public byte bPitchAndFamily; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 32)] public string szFaceName; public short wWeight; public short sSpacing; public int crBackColor; public int lcid; public int dwReserved; public short sStyle; public short wKerning; public byte bUnderlineType; public byte bAnimation; public byte bRevAuthor; public byte bReserved1; } #region CFE_ // CHARFORMAT effects const UInt32 CFE_BOLD = 0x0001; const UInt32 CFE_ITALIC = 0x0002; const UInt32 CFE_UNDERLINE = 0x0004; const UInt32 CFE_STRIKEOUT = 0x0008; const UInt32 CFE_PROTECTED = 0x0010; const UInt32 CFE_LINK = 0x0020; const UInt32 CFE_AUTOCOLOR = 0x40000000; // NOTE: this corresponds to // CFM_COLOR, which controls it // Masks and effects defined for CHARFORMAT2 -- an (*) indicates // that the data is stored by RichEdit 2.0/3.0, but not displayed const UInt32 CFE_SMALLCAPS = CFM_SMALLCAPS; const UInt32 CFE_ALLCAPS = CFM_ALLCAPS; const UInt32 CFE_HIDDEN = CFM_HIDDEN; const UInt32 CFE_OUTLINE = CFM_OUTLINE; const UInt32 CFE_SHADOW = CFM_SHADOW; const UInt32 CFE_EMBOSS = CFM_EMBOSS; const UInt32 CFE_IMPRINT = CFM_IMPRINT; const UInt32 CFE_DISABLED = CFM_DISABLED; const UInt32 CFE_REVISED = CFM_REVISED; // CFE_AUTOCOLOR and CFE_AUTOBACKCOLOR correspond to CFM_COLOR and // CFM_BACKCOLOR, respectively, which control them const UInt32 CFE_AUTOBACKCOLOR = CFM_BACKCOLOR; #endregion #region CFM_ // CHARFORMAT masks const UInt32 CFM_BOLD = 0x00000001; const UInt32 CFM_ITALIC = 0x00000002; const UInt32 CFM_UNDERLINE = 0x00000004; const UInt32 CFM_STRIKEOUT = 0x00000008; const UInt32 CFM_PROTECTED = 0x00000010; const UInt32 CFM_LINK = 0x00000020; // Exchange hyperlink extension const UInt32 CFM_SIZE = 0x80000000; const UInt32 CFM_COLOR = 0x40000000; const UInt32 CFM_FACE = 0x20000000; const UInt32 CFM_OFFSET = 0x10000000; const UInt32 CFM_CHARSET = 0x08000000; const UInt32 CFM_SMALLCAPS = 0x0040; // (*) const UInt32 CFM_ALLCAPS = 0x0080; // Displayed by 3.0 const UInt32 CFM_HIDDEN = 0x0100; // Hidden by 3.0 const UInt32 CFM_OUTLINE = 0x0200; // (*) const UInt32 CFM_SHADOW = 0x0400; // (*) const UInt32 CFM_EMBOSS = 0x0800; // (*) const UInt32 CFM_IMPRINT = 0x1000; // (*) const UInt32 CFM_DISABLED = 0x2000; const UInt32 CFM_REVISED = 0x4000; const UInt32 CFM_BACKCOLOR = 0x04000000; const UInt32 CFM_LCID = 0x02000000; const UInt32 CFM_UNDERLINETYPE = 0x00800000; // Many displayed by 3.0 const UInt32 CFM_WEIGHT = 0x00400000; const UInt32 CFM_SPACING = 0x00200000; // Displayed by 3.0 const UInt32 CFM_KERNING = 0x00100000; // (*) const UInt32 CFM_STYLE = 0x00080000; // (*) const UInt32 CFM_ANIMATION = 0x00040000; // (*) const UInt32 CFM_REVAUTHOR = 0x00008000; const UInt32 CFE_SUBSCRIPT = 0x00010000; // Superscript and subscript are const UInt32 CFE_SUPERSCRIPT = 0x00020000; // mutually exclusive const UInt32 CFM_SUBSCRIPT = (CFE_SUBSCRIPT | CFE_SUPERSCRIPT); const UInt32 CFM_SUPERSCRIPT = CFM_SUBSCRIPT; // CHARFORMAT "ALL" masks const UInt32 CFM_EFFECTS = (CFM_BOLD | CFM_ITALIC | CFM_UNDERLINE | CFM_COLOR | CFM_STRIKEOUT | CFE_PROTECTED | CFM_LINK); const UInt32 CFM_ALL = (CFM_EFFECTS | CFM_SIZE | CFM_FACE | CFM_OFFSET | CFM_CHARSET); const UInt32 CFM_EFFECTS2 = (CFM_EFFECTS | CFM_DISABLED | CFM_SMALLCAPS | CFM_ALLCAPS | CFM_HIDDEN | CFM_OUTLINE | CFM_SHADOW | CFM_EMBOSS | CFM_IMPRINT | CFM_DISABLED | CFM_REVISED | CFM_SUBSCRIPT | CFM_SUPERSCRIPT | CFM_BACKCOLOR); const UInt32 CFM_ALL2 = (CFM_ALL | CFM_EFFECTS2 | CFM_BACKCOLOR | CFM_LCID | CFM_UNDERLINETYPE | CFM_WEIGHT | CFM_REVAUTHOR | CFM_SPACING | CFM_KERNING | CFM_STYLE | CFM_ANIMATION); #endregion } 


我通过一个小的实用程序类来使用大部分内容,它包含了所有样式和字体更改。 这样您就可以更改字体大小而不更改字体名称等。

 class RichTextStyle { private readonly Control _textEdit; private readonly CHARFORMAT2 _charFormat; public RichTextStyle(RichTextBox te) { _textEdit = te; _charFormat = new CHARFORMAT2(); _charFormat.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(_charFormat); SendMessage(te.Handle, EM_GETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, ref _charFormat); } private void SetEffect(UInt32 mask, UInt32 effect, bool valid) { CHARFORMAT2 fmt = new CHARFORMAT2(); fmt.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(fmt); fmt.dwMask = mask; fmt.dwEffects = valid ? effect : 0; SendMessage(_textEdit.Handle, EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, ref fmt); } private bool GetEffect(UInt32 mask, UInt32 effect) { return (0 != (_charFormat.dwMask & mask)) && (0 != (_charFormat.dwEffects & effect)); } public bool Bold { get { return GetEffect(CFM_BOLD, CFE_BOLD); } set { SetEffect(CFM_BOLD, CFE_BOLD, value); } } public bool Italic { get { return GetEffect(CFM_ITALIC, CFE_ITALIC); } set { SetEffect(CFM_ITALIC, CFE_ITALIC, value); } } // ... etc ... etc ... you get the idea. 


 richTextBox.Text = richTextBox.Text.ToString(); 


 var t = richTextBox1.Text; richTextBox1.Text = t; 


一定要插入评论,说明你为什么要做你正在做的事情。 对于不知不觉,它看起来很荒谬。



……应该做的伎俩。 适合我。


在我的情况下,我需要清除格式并留下一个空的RichTextBox ,因此我做了这个function:

 private void ClearRichTextBox() { this.richTextBox1.ForeColor = Color.Empty; this.richTextBox1.BackColor = Color.Empty; this.richTextBox1.SelectAll(); this.richTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Empty; this.richTextBox1.SelectionBackColor = Color.Empty; this.richTextBox1.SelectionFont = this.richTextBox1.Font; this.richTextBox1.Clear(); } 


 string backUp = this.richTextBox1.Text; ClearRichTextBox(); this.richTextBox1.Text = backUp; 

或者只是删除this.richTextBox1.Clear(); 行中的明确function。 (这可能也会有效,但我不保证,因为我只在简单的格式化上测试过它。因此可以是,应该添加任何其他行来删除不同的格式。)



 string initialRtf = richTextBox.Rtf; 


 richTextBox.Rtf = initialRtf; 

但是,这并不是很完美,因为它要求文本保持不变等。 好吧,至少它比问题中详述的方法好一点。



 string tempTxt = richTextBox.Text; rtbIncludes.SuspendLayout(); richTextBox.Clear(); richTextBox.Text = tempTxt; rtbIncludes.ResumeLayout(); 

在操作数据时,SuspendLayout()和ResumeLayout()将停止控件的绘制。 如果操作时间不长,您将能够清除文本并将未格式化的文本分配回来,而不会显示在屏幕上闪烁。


有一段时间,我一直在自己的程序中使用这段代码。 它直接设置RichTextBox的RTF,因此应该比通常的方式设置样式快得多。 它接受一个字符串(主文本),并且可选地还采用Color数组,字体大小数组(int)和font-weight数组(bool),每个数组代表每个字符的每个颜色,大小或字体权重。字符串。


 public string text2RTF(string text, Color[] color = null, bool[] bold = null, int[] size = null, string font = "Microsoft Sans Serif", double defaultFontSize = 16, bool defaultFontBold = false, bool defaultFontItalic = false, char align = 'l') { StringBuilder rtf = new StringBuilder(); rtf.Append(@"{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 "); rtf.Append(font); rtf.Append(@";}}{\colortbl ;"); if (color != null) { rtf.Append("\\red" + (color[0].R).ToString() + "\\green" + (color[0].G).ToString() + "\\blue" + (color[0].B).ToString() + ";"); for (int i = 1; i < text.Length; i++) { if ((color[i].R != color[i - 1].R || color[i].G != color[i - 1].G || color[i].B != color[i - 1].B)) { rtf.Append("\\red" + (color[i].R).ToString() + "\\green" + (color[i].G).ToString() + "\\blue" + (color[i].B).ToString() + ";"); } } } rtf.Append("}\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard"); if (defaultFontBold == true) rtf.Append("\\b"); if (defaultFontItalic == true) rtf.Append("\\i"); if (align == 'r') rtf.Append("\\qr"); rtf.Append("\\f0\\fs" + (Math.Round(defaultFontSize)).ToString()+" "); int startOfActualText = rtf.Length; int count = 1; for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { if (color!=null && (i == 0 || color[i].R != color[i - 1].R || color[i].G != color[i - 1].G || color[i].B != color[i - 1].B)) { rtf.Append("\\cf"); rtf.Append(count.ToString() + " "); count++; } if (bold!=null && (i == 0 || bold[i] != bold[i - 1])) { if (bold[i] == true) rtf.Append("\\b1 "); else rtf.Append("\\b0 "); } if (size!=null && (i == 0 || size[i] != size[i - 1])) { rtf.Append("\\fs"+size[i].ToString()+" " ); } if (text[i] == '\\' || text[i] == '}' || text[i] == '{') rtf.Append('\\'); // GetRtfUnicodeOfChar: string st=""; if (text[i] <= 0x7f) st = text[i].ToString(); else st = "\\u" + Convert.ToUInt32(text[i]) + "?"; rtf.Append(st); } rtf.Append("\n}"); rtf.Replace("\n", "\\par\n", startOfActualText, rtf.Length - startOfActualText); return rtf.ToString(); } 
 RichTextBox rtbTemp = new RichTextBox(); rtbTemp.Text = rtb.Text; rtb.Rtf = rtbTemp.Rtf; 


工作良好 ..

 var TempString = richTextBox1.Text; richTextBox1.Rtf = string.Empty; richTextBox1.Text = TempString ;