JSON.Net – 仅在序列化时使用JsonIgnoreAttribute(但在反序列化时不使用)


我们想要一个基类,所有文档都将从中派生出来。 基类将具有DocumentType属性 – 这实际上是类名。


然后,当这个文档被服务器序列化并发送到客户端时,我们希望JSON中包含DocumentType属性 – 技巧是我们希望这个值是ExpectedDocumentType的值。


public abstract class JsonDocument { ///  /// The document type that the concrete class expects to be deserialized from. ///  //[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "DocumentType")] // We substitute the DocumentType property with this ExpectedDocumentType property when serializing derived types. public abstract string ExpectedDocumentType { get; } ///  /// The actual document type that was provided in the JSON that the concrete class was deserialized from. ///  [JsonIgnore] // We ignore this property when serializing derived types and instead use the ExpectedDocumentType property. public string DocumentType { get; set; } } 



使用ShouldSerialize提供的ShouldSerializefunction。 所以基本上,你的课程看起来像:

 public abstract class JsonDocument { ///  /// The document type that the concrete class expects to be deserialized from. ///  //[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "DocumentType")] // We substitute the DocumentType property with this ExpectedDocumentType property when serializing derived types. public abstract string ExpectedDocumentType { get; } ///  /// The actual document type that was provided in the JSON that the concrete class was deserialized from. ///  public string DocumentType { get; set; } //Tells json.net to not serialize DocumentType, but allows DocumentType to be deserialized public bool ShouldSerializeDocumentType() { return false; } } 


 enum DocumentType { XML, JSON, PDF, DOC } 

在反序列化请求时,如果客户端向您发送无效的枚举,则会给您一个错误。 “InvalidEnumArgumentException”,您可以捕获并告诉客户端它正在发送无效的DocumentType。