



public class EventArgs : EventArgs { public EventArgs(T value) { m_value = value; } private T m_value; public T Value { get { return m_value; } } } 

您所描述的基本上是元组 ,用于特定目的的分组值。 它们是函数式编程和支持中非常有用的构造。

缺点是它们的值没有命名,它们需要理解上下文。 EventArgs本质上通常远离其相关背景而被消耗掉。 因此,元组式的EventArgs可能会让消费者感到非常困惑。


 public event EventHandler> Divided; 


 private void OnDivided(object sender, EventArgs e) { // I have to just "know" this - it is a convention var numerator = e.Value1; var denominator = e.Value2; var result = e.Value3; } 


 private void OnDivided(object sender, DividedEventArgs e) { var numerator = e.Numerator; var denominator = e.Denominator; var result = e.Result; } 


看一下Matthew Cochran撰写的Custom Generic EventArgs文章,他在文章中描述了如何使用两个和三个成员进一步扩展它。


 public class City {...} public delegate void FireNuclearMissile(object sender, EventArgs args); public event FireNuclearMissile FireNuclearMissileEvent; public delegate void QueryPopulation(object sender, EventArgs args); public event QueryPopulation QueryPopulationEvent; 


 class City {...} public class FireNuclearMissileEventArgs : EventArgs { public FireNuclearMissileEventArgs(City city) { this.city = city; } private City city; public City City { get { return this.city; } } } public delegate void FireNuclearMissile(object sender, FireNuclearMissileEventArgs args); public event FireNuclearMissile FireNuclearMissileEvent; public class QueryPopulationEventArgs : EventArgs { public QueryPopulationEventArgs(City city) { this.city = city; } private City city; public City City { get { return this.city; } } } public delegate void QueryPopulation(object sender, QueryPopulationEventArgs args); public event QueryPopulation QueryPopulationEvent; 

正如TcK已经说过:如果你只需要传递一个值,请使用EventArgs ,否则从EventArgs (或EventArgs ,无论你想要什么)派生。

我认为Tuple风格的EventArgs非常有用。 就像Tuple一样,它们可能被误用,但似乎我的懒惰比我的谨慎感强。 我实现了以下内容:

 public static class TupleEventArgs { static public TupleEventArgs Create(T1 item1) { return new TupleEventArgs(item1); } static public TupleEventArgs Create(T1 item1, T2 item2) { return new TupleEventArgs(item1, item2); } static public TupleEventArgs Create(T1 item1, T2 item2, T3 item3) { return new TupleEventArgs(item1, item2, item3); } } public class TupleEventArgs : EventArgs { public T1 Item1; public TupleEventArgs(T1 item1) { Item1 = item1; } } public class TupleEventArgs : EventArgs { public T1 Item1; public T2 Item2; public TupleEventArgs(T1 item1, T2 item2) { Item1 = item1; Item2 = item2; } } public class TupleEventArgs : EventArgs { public T1 Item1; public T2 Item2; public T3 Item3; public TupleEventArgs(T1 item1, T2 item2, T3 item3) { Item1 = item1; Item2 = item2; Item3 = item3; } } 

可以如下使用(与事件提升者扩展一起使用时 )

 public event EventHandler> NewEvent; NewEvent.Raise(this, TupleEventArgs.Create("1", "2", "3"));