
它说在我的数组中我已经超越了索引。 我的节目是5个玩家(5个索引)玩的数字猜测游戏。 我使用数组来创建对象和播放器类。 我已经到了一个残端,我的程序在第二轮或第三轮比赛中崩溃。 我注意到在第二轮中,索引没有循环属性:循环在第一个循环中计算索引1到5,然后在第二个循环中计数2到5,然后如果我甚至到达循环的第3轮,所有的索引都被洗牌,意思是我不能从1到5。

当每个玩家得到3个猜测时,使用这3个猜测和你的游戏。 我已经为播放器创建了一个对象数组,创建了一个比前一个更小的临时数组并引用它来实现当前数组。

我在代码中查看了我的引用,发现尽可能多的代码,我找不到导致我的System.IndexOutOfRangeException的错误。 这是由我的猜谜游戏课引起的。


using System; // only this using statement is needed here. namespace GuessingGame { class GuessingGame { #region instance attributes private const int GUESSES_ALLOWED = 3; private const int NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS_TO_START = 5; private const int MIN_VALUE = 1; private const int MAX_VALUE = 15; private Player[] players; private Random randomSource; #endregion public GuessingGame() { Console.WriteLine("Starting Constructor of GuessingGame"); players = new Player[NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS_TO_START]; randomSource = new Random(); string playerName = ""; for (int index = 0; index < players.Length; index++) { Console.Write("What is the name for player #" + (index +1) + "?\t"); playerName = Console.ReadLine(); players[index] = new Player(playerName, randomSource); Console.Write("\n"); } Console.WriteLine("Ending GuessingGame Constructor"); } public GuessingGame(string [] playerNames) { Console.WriteLine("Starting Constructor of GuessingGame"); players = new Player[playerNames.Length]; randomSource = new Random(); for (int index = 0; index < playerNames.Length; index++) { players[index] = new Player(playerNames[index], randomSource); } } public void playGame() { int numberOfPlayersWhoHavePlayedThisRound = 0; int index = 0; bool[] playedThisRound = null; string playerGuessEntry = ""; int playerGuessValue = -1; Player[] tempArray = new Player[players.Length - 1]; bool roundOver = false; Console.WriteLine( "Starting playGame - press any key to continue"); //Console.Read() while (roundOver == false) // Is this the right condition? { playedThisRound = new bool[players.Length]; while (playedThisRound[index] == false) { do { Console.Write(players[index].getName() + ", Enter a number between " + MIN_VALUE.ToString() + " and " + MAX_VALUE.ToString() + " inclusive\t"); playerGuessEntry = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("\n"); } while (!int.TryParse(playerGuessEntry, out playerGuessValue) || playerGuessValue  MAX_VALUE); if(playerGuessValue  MAX_VALUE) { Console.Write("Invalid guess- try again"); } else { Console.WriteLine("You entered " + playerGuessValue.ToString()); players[index].makeAGuess(playerGuessValue); playedThisRound[index] = true; if (index == players.Length) { Console.WriteLine("End of Round"); index = 0; //edit? numberOfPlayersWhoHavePlayedThisRound = 0; } } if (players[index].getGuessesUsed() == 3) {//creating a temp array Console.WriteLine("Guesses MAXED"); tempArray = players[index].deletePlayerFromArray(players, index); players = tempArray; // referencing bool[] tempBooleanArray = new bool[playedThisRound.Length - 1];//reducing size of played this round array Console.WriteLine("Playedthisround length: " + playedThisRound.Length + " \nThe Index: " + index.ToString()); tempBooleanArray = players[index].deletePlayerBool(playedThisRound, index); playedThisRound = tempBooleanArray; Console.WriteLine("New Player Array Size: " + players.Length); Console.WriteLine("New Boolean Array Size: " + playedThisRound.Length); } if (index == players.Length - 1) { index = 0; numberOfPlayersWhoHavePlayedThisRound = 0; } if (players.Length == 1) { roundOver = true; } index++; numberOfPlayersWhoHavePlayedThisRound++; } Console.WriteLine("WINNER:" + players[index].getName() + "\nWins: " + players[index].getWins() + "\nArray Size: " + players.Length.ToString()); }//end of while Console.WriteLine("Ending playGame - " + "press any key to continue"); Console.Read(); } public bool playersAlreadyPlayed(bool[] thePlayer) { bool havePlayed = false; for (int plays = 0; plays < thePlayer.Length; plays++) { if (thePlayer[plays] == false) { havePlayed = false; } else { havePlayed = true; } } return havePlayed; } static void Main(string[] args) { GuessingGame newGame = new GuessingGame(); newGame.playGame(); } } 



 using System; namespace GuessingGame { class Player { private String name; private int winningNumber; private int guessesUsed; private int wins; private Random myWinningNumberSource; public Player(string newName, Random random) { name = newName; guessesUsed = 0; wins = 0; myWinningNumberSource = random; winningNumber = myWinningNumberSource.Next(1, 16); } public bool makeAGuess(int guessValue) { bool isWinner = false;//edit if (guessValue == winningNumber) { wins++; Console.WriteLine("Congradulations, You have guessed correct number!\n"); Console.WriteLine("You have a total of " + wins + " wins!"); Console.WriteLine("You have " + (3 - guessesUsed) + " guesses left!\n"); winningNumber = myWinningNumberSource.Next(1, 16); isWinner = true; //edit } else { guessesUsed++; Console.WriteLine("Oh no! You have guessed incorretly!"); Console.WriteLine("You have used " + guessesUsed + " and have " + (3 - guessesUsed) + " guesses left!"); Console.WriteLine("HINT: You should have guessed " + winningNumber); isWinner = false; if (guessesUsed > 3) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry you have Lost, Game Over"); } } return isWinner; } public int getGuessesUsed() { return guessesUsed; } public string getName() { return name; } public int getWins() { return wins; } public Player[] getWinner(Player[] nPlayers) { int maxScore = 0; //edit Player[] winningPlayers; winningPlayers = new Player[5]; for (int i = 0; i = maxScore) { winningPlayers[i].wins = nPlayers[i].getWins(); winningPlayers[i].name = nPlayers[i].getName(); } } return winningPlayers; } public bool[] deletePlayerBool(bool[] playedThisRound, int removeIndex)//edit { bool[] newArray = new bool[playedThisRound.Length - 1]; int tempIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < playedThisRound.Length; i++) { if (i != removeIndex) { newArray[tempIndex++] = playedThisRound[i]; } } return newArray; } public Player[] deletePlayerFromArray(Player[] nPlayers, int removeIndex) { Player[] newArray = new Player[nPlayers.Length - 1]; int tempIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nPlayers.Length; i++) { if (i != removeIndex) { newArray[tempIndex++] = nPlayers[i]; } } return newArray; } } } 


 public Player[] getWinner(Player[] nPlayers) { int maxScore = 0; //edit Player[] winningPlayers; winningPlayers = new Player[5]; for (int i = 0; i < nPlayers.Length; i++) { if (nPlayers[i].wins >= maxScore) { winningPlayers[i].wins = nPlayers[i].getWins(); winningPlayers[i].name = nPlayers[i].getName(); } } return winningPlayers; } 

这意味着您正在尝试访问大于数组的索引。 在线:

 while(playedThisRound[index] == false) 

