


public class Thing { int Foo; int Bar; string Baz; } 

我想根据Foo的值对Baz字符串进行分类,然后是Bar。 对于Foo和Bar值的每种可能组合,最多只有一个Thing,但我不保证每个值都有一个值。 将它概念化为表格的单元格信息可能有所帮助:Foo是行号,Bar是列号,Baz是要在那里找到的值,但不一定存在每个单元格的值。

 IEnumerable things = GetThings(); List foos = GetAllFoos(); List bars = GetAllBars(); Dictionary<int, Dictionary> dict = // what do I put here? foreach(int foo in foos) { // I may have code here to do something for each foo... foreach(int bar in bars) { // I may have code here to do something for each bar... if (dict.ContainsKey(foo) && dict[foo].ContainsKey(bar)) { // I want to have O(1) lookups string baz = dict[foo][bar]; // I may have code here to do something with the baz. } } } 

生成嵌套字典的简单,优雅的方法是什么? 我一直在使用C#,以至于我已经习惯于为所有常见的东西找到简单的单行解决方案,但这个让我很难过。


 Dictionary> dict = things .GroupBy(thing => thing.Foo) .ToDictionary(fooGroup => fooGroup.Key, fooGroup => fooGroup.ToDictionary(thing => thing.Bar, thing => thing.Baz)); 

一种优雅的方式是自己创建字典,而是使用LINQ GroupByToDictionary为您生成字典。

 var things = new[] { new Thing { Foo = 1, Bar = 2, Baz = "ONETWO!" }, new Thing { Foo = 1, Bar = 3, Baz = "ONETHREE!" }, new Thing { Foo = 1, Bar = 2, Baz = "ONETWO!" } }.ToList(); var bazGroups = things .GroupBy(t => t.Foo) .ToDictionary(gFoo => gFoo.Key, gFoo => gFoo .GroupBy(t => t.Bar) .ToDictionary(gBar => gBar.Key, gBar => gBar.First().Baz)); Debug.Fail("Inspect the bazGroups variable."); 

我假设通过使用FooBarBaz进行分类,你的意思是如果两个东西同时具有FooBar等于那么它们的Baz值也是相同的。 如果我错了,请纠正我。


如果您注意到,方法名称与您尝试的完全匹配。 🙂


 var bazGroups = (from t1 in things group t1 by t1.Foo into gFoo select new { Key = gFoo.Key, Value = (from t2 in gFoo group t2 by t2.Bar into gBar select gBar) .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.First().Baz) }) .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Value); 




 public class NestedDictionary: Dictionary> {} 


 NestedDictionary dict = new NestedDictionary (); 


  public class NestedIntStringDictionary: NestedDictionary {} 


  NestedIntStringDictionary dict = new NestedIntStringDictionary(); 


  public class NestedIntStringDictionary: NestedDictionary { public NestedIntStringDictionary(IEnumerable<> items) { foreach(Thing t in items) { Dictionary innrDict = ContainsKey(t.Foo)? this[t.Foo]: new Dictionary (); if (innrDict.ContainsKey(t.Bar)) throw new ArgumentException( string.Format( "key value: {0} is already in dictionary", t.Bar)); else innrDict.Add(t.Bar, t.Baz); } } } 


  NestedIntStringDictionary dict = new NestedIntStringDictionary(GetThings()); 


 var things = new List { new Thing {Foo = 3, Bar = 4, Baz = "quick"}, new Thing {Foo = 3, Bar = 8, Baz = "brown"}, new Thing {Foo = 6, Bar = 4, Baz = "fox"}, new Thing {Foo = 6, Bar = 8, Baz = "jumps"} }; var dict = things.ToDictionary(thing => new {thing.Foo, thing.Bar}, thing => thing.Baz); var baz = dict[new {Foo = 3, Bar = 4}]; 

这有效地将您的层次结构扁平化为单个字典。 请注意,此字典无法从外部公开,因为它基于匿名类型。


 var dict = things .GroupBy(thing => new {thing.Foo, thing.Bar}) .ToDictionary(group => group.Key, group => group.Select(thing => thing.Baz)); var bazes = dict[new {Foo = 3, Bar = 4}]; foreach (var baz in bazes) { //... } 


 class ThingCollection : KeyedCollection,Employee> { ... } 

使用BeanMap的两个关键Map类。 还有一个3键映射,如果你需要n个键,它是非常可扩展的。



 class Thing { public int Foo { get; set; } public int Bar { get; set; } public string Baz { get; set; } } [TestMethod] public void ListToMapTest() { var things = new List { new Thing {Foo = 3, Bar = 3, Baz = "quick"}, new Thing {Foo = 3, Bar = 4, Baz = "brown"}, new Thing {Foo = 6, Bar = 3, Baz = "fox"}, new Thing {Foo = 6, Bar = 4, Baz = "jumps"} }; var thingMap = Map.From(things, t => t.Foo, t => t.Bar, t => t.Baz); Assert.IsTrue(thingMap.ContainsKey(3, 4)); Assert.AreEqual("brown", thingMap[3, 4]); thingMap.DefaultValue = string.Empty; Assert.AreEqual("brown", thingMap[3, 4]); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, thingMap[3, 6]); thingMap.DefaultGeneration = (k1, k2) => (k1.ToString() + k2.ToString()); Assert.IsFalse(thingMap.ContainsKey(3, 6)); Assert.AreEqual("36", thingMap[3, 6]); Assert.IsTrue(thingMap.ContainsKey(3, 6)); } 

我认为最简单的方法是使用LINQ扩展方法。 显然,我没有测试此代码的性能。

 var items = new[] { new Thing { Foo = 1, Bar = 3, Baz = "a" }, new Thing { Foo = 1, Bar = 3, Baz = "b" }, new Thing { Foo = 1, Bar = 4, Baz = "c" }, new Thing { Foo = 2, Bar = 4, Baz = "d" }, new Thing { Foo = 2, Bar = 5, Baz = "e" }, new Thing { Foo = 2, Bar = 5, Baz = "f" } }; var q = items .ToLookup(i => i.Foo) // first key .ToDictionary( i => i.Key, i => i.ToLookup( j => j.Bar, // second key j => j.Baz)); // value foreach (var foo in q) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: ", foo.Key); foreach (var bar in foo.Value) { Console.WriteLine(" {0}: ", bar.Key); foreach (var baz in bar) { Console.WriteLine(" {0}", baz.ToUpper()); } } } Console.ReadLine(); 


 1: 3: A B 4: C 2: 4: D 5: E F 
 Dictionary> nestedDictionary = new Dictionary>();