C# – 使用PCSC-Sharp在智能卡中写入

大家好日子,我想问一下如何用智能卡写字。 我只是依赖于文档中给出的示例,但它只有读取标记。 我按照https://github.com/danm-de/pcsc-sharp/blob/master/Examples/Transmit/Program.cs中的示例进行操作

using System; using PCSC; using PCSC.Iso7816; namespace Transmit { public class Program { public static void Main() { using (var context = new SCardContext()) { context.Establish(SCardScope.System); var readerNames = context.GetReaders(); if (readerNames == null || readerNames.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("You need at least one reader in order to run this example."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } var readerName = ChooseRfidReader(readerNames); if (readerName == null) { return; } using (var rfidReader = new SCardReader(context)) { var sc = rfidReader.Connect(readerName, SCardShareMode.Shared, SCardProtocol.Any); if (sc != SCardError.Success) { Console.WriteLine("Could not connect to reader {0}:\n{1}", readerName, SCardHelper.StringifyError(sc)); Console.ReadKey(); return; } var apdu = new CommandApdu(IsoCase.Case2Short, rfidReader.ActiveProtocol) { CLA = 0xFF, Instruction = InstructionCode.GetData, P1 = 0x00, P2 = 0x00, Le = 0 // We don't know the ID tag size }; sc = rfidReader.BeginTransaction(); if (sc != SCardError.Success) { Console.WriteLine("Could not begin transaction."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } Console.WriteLine("Retrieving the UID .... "); var receivePci = new SCardPCI(); // IO returned protocol control information. var sendPci = SCardPCI.GetPci(rfidReader.ActiveProtocol); var receiveBuffer = new byte[256]; var command = apdu.ToArray(); sc = rfidReader.Transmit( sendPci, // Protocol Control Information (T0, T1 or Raw) command, // command APDU receivePci, // returning Protocol Control Information ref receiveBuffer); // data buffer if (sc != SCardError.Success) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + SCardHelper.StringifyError(sc)); } var responseApdu = new ResponseApdu(receiveBuffer, IsoCase.Case2Short, rfidReader.ActiveProtocol); Console.Write("SW1: {0:X2}, SW2: {1:X2}\nUid: {2}", responseApdu.SW1, responseApdu.SW2, responseApdu.HasData ? BitConverter.ToString(responseApdu.GetData()) : "No uid received"); rfidReader.EndTransaction(SCardReaderDisposition.Leave); rfidReader.Disconnect(SCardReaderDisposition.Reset); Console.ReadKey(); } } } private static string ChooseRfidReader(string[] readerNames) { // Show available readers. Console.WriteLine("Available readers: "); for (var i = 0; i < readerNames.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine("[" + i + "] " + readerNames[i]); } // Ask the user which one to choose. Console.Write("Which reader is an RFID reader? "); var line = Console.ReadLine(); int choice; if (!(int.TryParse(line, out choice)) || (choice  readerNames.Length)) { Console.WriteLine("An invalid number has been entered."); Console.ReadKey(); return null; } return readerNames[choice]; } } } 

我阅读了文档,但我无法完全理解如何编写CommandAdpu数据。 如果有人能为我提供如何写智能卡的代码片段,我将很高兴。 非常感谢你!






同时检查并搜索其他Mifare主题以了解Mifare卡。 通过所有这些链接,您将了解需要发送哪些命令来写入/读取Mifare卡,一旦您了解要触发的APDU /命令,您可以在代码中构建相同的代码,就像您已经阅读过mifare代码一样。 只需在代码中替换write命令,如果一切正常,您可以在寻找时编写。
