正在加载布局屏幕Xamarin android的图标


我试过用这个 – AndHud

但似乎它与PCL中的Portal Class Librarys(PCL)和服务不兼容。 我找不到这个组件的很多例子。




public enum MaskType { None = 1, Clear, Black, Gradient } public interface IHudService { void Show(string message, MaskType maskType, int progress = -1); void Dismiss(); void ShowToast(string message, bool showToastCentered = true, double timeoutMs = 1000); void ShowToast(string message, MaskType maskType, bool showToastCentered = true, double timeoutMs = 1000); } 


 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using BigTed; using Foundation; using MyExample.Services; using UIKit; [assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(MyExample.iOS.Services.HudService))] namespace MyExample.iOS.Services { public class HudService : IHudService { public HudService() { } #region IHudService Members public void Show(string message, MaskType maskType, int progress) { float p = (float)progress / 100f; BTProgressHUD.Show(message, p, (ProgressHUD.MaskType)maskType); } public void Dismiss() { BTProgressHUD.Dismiss(); } public void ShowToast(string message, bool showToastCentered = true, double timeoutMs = 1000) { BTProgressHUD.ShowToast(message, showToastCentered, timeoutMs); } public void ShowToast(string message, MaskType maskType, bool showToastCentered = true, double timeoutMs = 1000) { BTProgressHUD.ShowToast(message, (ProgressHUD.MaskType)maskType, showToastCentered, timeoutMs); } #endregion } } 


 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Android.App; using Android.Content; using Android.OS; using Android.Runtime; using Android.Views; using Android.Widget; using AndroidHUD; using MyExample.Services; using Xamarin.Forms; using XHUD; [assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(MyExample.Android.Services.HudService))] namespace MyExample.Android.Services { public class HudService : IHudService { //Although, not well documented, for Xamarin.Forms, "Forms.Context" is the current activity public HudService() { } #region IHudService Members public void Show(string message, MyExample.Services.MaskType maskType, int progress) { AndHUD.Shared.Show(Forms.Context, message, progress, (AndroidHUD.MaskType)maskType); } public void Dismiss() { AndHUD.Shared.Dismiss(Forms.Context); } public void ShowToast(string message, bool showToastCentered = true, double timeoutMs = 1000) { AndHUD.Shared.ShowToast(Forms.Context, message, (AndroidHUD.MaskType)MyExample.Services.MaskType.Black, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeoutMs / 1000), showToastCentered); } public void ShowToast(string message, MyExample.Services.MaskType maskType, bool showToastCentered = true, double timeoutMs = 1000) { AndHUD.Shared.ShowToast(Forms.Context, message, (AndroidHUD.MaskType)maskType, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeoutMs / 1000), showToastCentered); } #endregion } } 


然后,在特定于平台的项目(在本例中为AppDelegate.cs)的入口点注册您的服务,并从PCL调用它。 就我而言,我使用的是Xamarin.Forms.Labs,因此您注册它的方法可能会有所不同。

 public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options) { SetupIocContainer(); Forms.Init(); FormsMaps.Init(); window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds); window.RootViewController = App.GetMainPage().CreateViewController(); window.MakeKeyAndVisible(); return true; } private void SetupIocContainer() { var resolverContainer = new SimpleContainer(); var app = new XFormsAppiOS(); app.Init(this); resolverContainer.Register(t => AppleDevice.CurrentDevice) .Register(t => t.Resolve().Display) //EDIT: this does not seem necessary after all and actually //causes it to crash on Android (but works on iOS) //not sure why //.Register(t => t.Resolve()) .Register(app) .Register(t => resolverContainer); Resolver.SetResolver(resolverContainer.GetResolver()); } 


 private IHudService hudService; public IHudService HudService { get { if(hudService == null) { hudService = DependencyService.Get(); } return this.hudService; } } private async Task Setup() { this.HudService.Show("Long operation occurring", MaskType.Black); await Operation(); this.HudService.Dismiss(); }