LINQ to SQL – 为什么不能在ORDER BY之后使用WHERE?


// select all orders var orders = from o in FoodOrders where o.STATUS = 1 order by o.ORDER_DATE descending select o; // if customer id is specified, only select orders from specific customer if (customerID!=null) { orders = orders.Where(o => customerID.Equals(o.CUSTOMER_ID)); } 


无法将类型’System.Linq.IQueryable’隐式转换为’System.Linq.IOrderedQueryable’。 存在显式转换(您是否错过了演员?)


 // select all orders var orders = from o in FoodOrders where o.STATUS = 1 select o; // if customer id is specified, only select orders from specific customer if (customerID!=null) { orders = orders.Where(o => customerID.Equals(o.CUSTOMER_ID)); } // I'm forced to do the ordering here orders = orders.OrderBy(o => o.ORDER_DATE).Reverse(); 

但我想知道为什么会出现这种限制? API的设计原因是,在使用运营商order by后无法添加where约束?

OrderBy的返回类型是IOrderedQueryable ,因此这是orders变量的类型(部分原因是你在末尾有一个无操作投影) – 但Where的返回类型只是IQueryable 。 基本上你有一个无操作投影隐式类型局部变量的混合,查询的最后一个活动部分是一个排序, 然后你想要重新分配变量。 基本上,这是一个不愉快的组合。


 IQuerable orders = from o in FoodOrders where o.STATUS == 1 order by o.ORDER_DATE descending select o; // if customer id is specified, only select orders from specific customer if (customerID!=null) { orders = orders.Where(o => customerID.Equals(o.CUSTOMER_ID)); } 


 var orders = FoodOrders.Where(o => o.STATUS == 1) .OrderByDescending(o => o.ORDER_DATE) .Select(o => o); // if customer id is specified, only select orders from specific customer if (customerID!=null) { orders = orders.Where(o => customerID.Equals(o.CUSTOMER_ID)); } 

或者作为一个最终的,有点奇怪的建议,你可以改变你的初始whereorderby子句的顺序。 这在LINQ to Objects中是一个坏主意,但不应该在LINQ to SQL中有所作为:

 var orders = from o in FoodOrders order by o.ORDER_DATE descending where o.STATUS == 1 select o; // if customer id is specified, only select orders from specific customer if (customerID!=null) { orders = orders.Where(o => customerID.Equals(o.CUSTOMER_ID)); } 

现在,就API设计的“原因”而言: OrderByOrderByDescending返回IOrderedQueryable以便您可以使用ThenByThenByDescending链接它,它依赖于现有的订单,它们可以成为次要的,如果你看到我的话意思。

重要的是要注意var是强类型的并且在编译时被解释。 您的第一个代码段基本上与以下内容相同:

 IOrderedQueryable orders = from o in FoodOrders where o.STATUS = 1 order by o.ORDER_DATE descending select o; 



 object aString = "Testing..."; var bString = "Testing..."; aString = 1; // Works bString = 1; // Fails because 1 is not a string