为SpecFlow Scenario提供多个When语句



我们使用了经典的FizzBu​​zz问题,我们用它来测试unit testing,以比较我们如何在SpecFlow中执行类似的问题。



Scenario: 1 is 1 Given there is a FizzBuzzFactory When you ask What I Am with the value of 1 Then the answer should be 1 on the screen Scenario: 3 is Fizz Given there is a FizzBuzzFactory When you ask What I Am with the value of 3 Then the answer should be Fizz on the screen Scenario: 5 is Buzz Given there is a FizzBuzzFactory When you ask What I Am with the value of 5 Then the answer should be Buzz on the screen Scenario: 15 is FizzBuzz Given there is a FizzBuzzFactory When you ask What I Am with the value of 15 Then the answer should be FizzBuzz on the screen 



 Scenario: Sumof 1 + 2 + 3 is Fizz Given there is a FizzBuzzFactory When you add the sum of 1 When you add the sum of 2 When you add the sum of 3 Then the answer should be Fizz on the screen 



 Scenario: Sumof 1 + 2 + 3 in one go is Fizz Given there is a FizzBuzzFactory When you add the sum of 1,2,3 Then the answer should be Fizz on the screen 

你怎么能设置语句,以便你可以期望方法签名上的params int[]

如果使用StepArgumentTransformation ,则specflow步骤绑定非常好地支持您的问题。 这就是我喜欢specflow的原因。

 [When(@"you add the sum of (.*)")] public void WhenYouAddTheSumOf(int[] p1) { ScenarioContext.Current.Pending(); } [StepArgumentTransformation(@"(\d+(?:,\d+)*)")] public int[] IntArray(string intCsv) { return intCsv.Split(',').Select(int.Parse).ToArray(); } 


如果你想玩StepArgumentTransformations,那么值得学习一些正则表达式,以使它们变得美观和具体。 注意我也可以在When绑定中使用(\d+(?:,\d+)*)而不是.*