
使用Console.WriteLine() ,它输出:




这可能吗? 如果是这样,怎么样?


  public static void WordWrap(string paragraph) { paragraph = new Regex(@" {2,}").Replace(paragraph.Trim(), @" "); var left = Console.CursorLeft; var top = Console.CursorTop; var lines = new List(); for (var i = 0; paragraph.Length > 0; i++) { lines.Add(paragraph.Substring(0, Math.Min(Console.WindowWidth, paragraph.Length))); var length = lines[i].LastIndexOf(" ", StringComparison.Ordinal); if (length > 0) lines[i] = lines[i].Remove(length); paragraph = paragraph.Substring(Math.Min(lines[i].Length + 1, paragraph.Length)); Console.SetCursorPosition(left, top + i); Console.WriteLine(lines[i]); } } 


for循环从段落中获取第一个(Console.WindowWidth – 1)字符并将其设置为新行。
`LastIndexOf()1试图找到该行的最后一个空格。 如果没有,它就会保留原样。

注意:正则表达式是从这里获取的 。 注2:我不认为它取代了标签。


 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; ///  /// Writes the specified data, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream, while wrapping lines that would otherwise break words. ///  /// The value to write. /// The value that indicates the column width of tab characters. public static void WriteLineWordWrap(string paragraph, int tabSize = 8) { string[] lines = paragraph .Replace("\t", new String(' ', tabSize)) .Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { string process = lines[i]; List wrapped = new List(); while (process.Length > Console.WindowWidth) { int wrapAt = process.LastIndexOf(' ', Math.Min(Console.WindowWidth - 1, process.Length)); if (wrapAt <= 0) break; wrapped.Add(process.Substring(0, wrapAt)); process = process.Remove(0, wrapAt + 1); } foreach (string wrap in wrapped) { Console.WriteLine(wrap); } Console.WriteLine(process); } } 


 var words = text.Split(' '); var lines = words.Skip(1).Aggregate(words.Take(1).ToList(), (l, w) => { if (l.Last().Length + w.Length >= 80) l.Add(w); else l[l.Count - 1] += " " + w; return l; }); 


 var text = "Hundreds of South Australians will come out to cosplay when Oz Comic Con hits town this weekend with guest stars including the actor who played Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street) and others from shows such as Game of Thrones and Buffy the Vampire Slayer."; 


 Hundreds of South Australians will come out to cosplay when Oz Comic Con hits town this weekend with guest stars including the actor who played Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street) and others from shows such as Game of Thrones and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 


 private static void EpicWriteLine(String text) { String[] words = text.Split(' '); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); foreach (String word in words) { buffer.Append(word); if (buffer.Length >= 80) { String line = buffer.ToString().Substring(0, buffer.Length - word.Length); Console.WriteLine(line); buffer.Clear(); buffer.Append(word); } buffer.Append(" "); } Console.WriteLine(buffer.ToString()); } 

它在CPU和内存方面也没有得到很好的优化。 我不会在任何严肃的背景下使用它。

您可以使用CsConsoleFormat †通过自动换行将字符串写入控制台。 它实际上是默认的文本换行模式(但它可以更改为字符换行或不换行)。

 var doc = new Document().AddChildren( "2. I have bugtested this quite a bit however if something " + "goes wrong and the program crashes just restart it." ); ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(doc); 


 var docList = new Document().AddChildren( new List().AddChildren( new Div("I have not bugtested this enough so if something " + "goes wrong and the program crashes good luck with it."), new Div("I have bugtested this quite a bit however if something " + "goes wrong and the program crashes just restart it.") ) ); ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(docList); 


