如何在C#中使用google sheet API v4添加工作表?

我一直在使用Google表格API,并遵循Google指南 。 然而,除了谷歌的第二页之外,没有任何例子可以添加工作表并写入.NET中的新工作表。 js有很多,但我不知道如何1)添加工作表或2)写入新工作表。

我怎样才能做到这一点? 现在我能够在示例中读出没有任何问题,而且我只找到另一个对v4 C#的引用。 我尝试回到v3,但所有文档强烈建议使用v4。

有没有人能够这样做? 以下是我迄今为止所做的一切:

// Create Google Sheets API service. var service = new SheetsService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { HttpClientInitializer = credential, ApplicationName = ApplicationName, }); // Define request parameters. // Add new Sheet string sheetName = string.Format("{0} {1}", DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day); AddSheetRequest addSheetRequest = new AddSheetRequest(); addSheetRequest.Properties.Title = sheetName; // How do I tell this to update?? 

为了挽救将来的某个人头痛,以结束所有的头痛。 我想出了如何在经过数小时的试验和错误后添加工作表。 仍在研究如何更新值。


  // Create Google Sheets API service. var service = new SheetsService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { HttpClientInitializer = credential, ApplicationName = ApplicationName, }); // Add new Sheet string sheetName = string.Format("{0} {1}", DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day); var addSheetRequest = new AddSheetRequest(); addSheetRequest.Properties = new SheetProperties(); addSheetRequest.Properties.Title = sheetName; BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest batchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest = new BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest(); batchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest.Requests = new List(); batchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest.Requests.Add(new Request { AddSheet = addSheetRequest }); var batchUpdateRequest = service.Spreadsheets.BatchUpdate(batchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest, spreadsheetId); batchUpdateRequest.Execute(); 

我有代码添加一张表,但似乎你想出来了。 以下是一些向内容添加内容的代码。 它与其他人发布的内容有所不同,但它应该有助于看到这篇文章的人。

在此代码中,它会将colNames的值插入从(0,0)开始的行。 因此,如果sheet使用这种表示法(row,col),那么
(0,1)= VideoID的
(0,2)= videoname


  var reqs = new BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest(); reqs.Requests = new List(); string[] colNames = new [] { "timestamp", "videoid", "videoname", "firstname", "lastname", "email" }; // Create starting coordinate where data would be written to GridCoordinate gc = new GridCoordinate(); gc.ColumnIndex = 0; gc.RowIndex = 0; gc.SheetId = SHEETID; // Your specific sheet ID here rq = new Request(); rq.UpdateCells = new UpdateCellsRequest(); rq.UpdateCells.Start = gc; rq.UpdateCells.Fields = "*"; // needed by API, throws error if null // Assigning data to cells RowData rd = new RowData(); List lcd = new List(); foreach (String column in colNames) { ExtendedValue ev = new ExtendedValue(); ev.StringValue = column; CellData cd = new CellData(); cd.UserEnteredValue = ev; lcd.Add(cd); } rd.Values = lcd; // Put cell data into a row List lrd = new List(); lrd.Add(rd); rq.UpdateCells.Rows = lrd; // It's a batch request so you can create more than one request and send them all in one batch. Just use reqs.Requests.Add() to add additional requests for the same spreadsheet reqs.Requests.Add(rq); // Execute request response = sheetsService.Spreadsheets.BatchUpdate(reqs, Spreadsheet.SpreadsheetId).Execute(); // Replace Spreadsheet.SpreadsheetId with your recently created spreadsheet ID 

我正在寻找这个Java版本,我设法得到一个基于sparky的答案的工作版本。 这应该工作:

  //Set sheet name //Can be any string, I chose to set it to the account name String sheetName = mCredential.getSelectedAccountName(); //Create a new AddSheetRequest AddSheetRequest addSheetRequest = new AddSheetRequest(); SheetProperties sheetProperties = new SheetProperties(); //Add the sheetName to the sheetProperties addSheetRequest.setProperties(sheetProperties); addSheetRequest.setProperties(sheetProperties.setTitle(sheetName)); //Create batchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest batchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest = new BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest(); //Create requestList and set it on the batchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest List requestsList = new ArrayList(); batchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest.setRequests(requestsList); //Create a new request with containing the addSheetRequest and add it to the requestList Request request = new Request(); request.setAddSheet(addSheetRequest); requestsList.add(request); //Add the requestList to the batchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest batchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest.setRequests(requestsList); //Call the sheets API to execute the batchUpdate mService.spreadsheets().batchUpdate(spreadsheetId,batchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest).execute(); 



var valueRange = new ValueRange(); valueRange.values = { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 } }; var range = "A1"; var update = service.Spreadsheets.Values.Update(valueRange, spreadsheetId, range); var result = update.execute();

以上是基于您的代码示例和参考文档@ https://developers.google.com/sheets/reference/rest/v4/spreadsheets.values/update的伪代码。

进一步扩展了Sam的答案。 以下内容让我更新一个单元格。

  ValueRange VRx = new ValueRange(); IList> xx = new List>(); xx.Add(new List { "test" }); VRx.Values = xx; SpreadsheetsResource.ValuesResource.UpdateRequest update = service.Spreadsheets.Values.Update(VRx, spreadsheetId, "back!A19"); update.ValueInputOption = SpreadsheetsResource.ValuesResource.UpdateRequest.ValueInputOptionEnum.RAW; UpdateValuesResponse result = update.Execute(); 
