


private void DarkThemeClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { database.DropTable(new StyleModel()); database.CreateTable(new StyleModel()); database.SaveItem(new StyleModel() { ThemeNum = 1 }); App.ActiveStyle = new DarkStyle(); } private void LightThemeClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { database.DropTable(new StyleModel()); database.CreateTable(new StyleModel()); database.SaveItem(new StyleModel() { ThemeNum = 0 }); App.ActiveStyle = new LightStyle(); } 


  using System; using TestXamForms.Style; using Xamarin.Forms; namespace TestXamForms.Helpers { class EntryValueCell : StackLayout { public EntryValueCell(string key,int FieldIdx, string value = "", bool isNumber = false) { Entry entry; Label label = new Label() { TextColor = App.ActiveStyle.LabelTextColor, Text = key, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End }; if (isNumber) { entry = new Entry() { ClassId = FieldIdx.ToString(), TextColor = App.ActiveStyle.LabelTextColor, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, Keyboard = Keyboard.Numeric, Text = value, }; } else { entry = new Entry() { ClassId = FieldIdx.ToString(), TextColor = App.ActiveStyle.LabelTextColor, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, Keyboard = Keyboard.Text, Text = value }; } BackgroundColor = App.ActiveStyle.StackLayoutBackground; Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal; VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand; Children.Add(label); Children.Add(entry); } } } 


  using Xamarin.Forms; namespace TestXamForms.Style { public class LightStyle : StyleBase { public LightStyle() { LabelTextColor = Color.Black; ButtonColor = Color.FromHex("337ab7"); StackLayoutBackground = Color.FromHex("eff0f1"); InputBackgroundColor = Color.White; PlaceHolderColor = Color.Gray; TableColor = Color.FromHex("e6e6e6"); StacklayoutBorderColor = Color.Black; } } } 


 using TestXamForms.Models; using Xamarin.Forms; namespace TestXamForms.Style { public class StyleBase : ModelBase { public enum ThemeNum : int { Light = 0, Dark = 1 } public Color LabelTextColor { get; set; } public Color ButtonColor { get; set; } public Color StackLayoutBackground { get; set; } public Color InputBackgroundColor { get; set; } public Color PlaceHolderColor { get; set; } public Color StacklayoutBorderColor { get; set; } public Color TableColor { get; set; } public int ThemeNums { get; set; } } } 


  static StyleBase activeStyle { get; set; } public static StyleBase ActiveStyle { get { if (activeStyle == null) { StyleModel styleBase = database.GetItems(new StyleModel()).First(); if (styleBase == null) { database.SaveItem(new StyleModel() { ThemeNum = 0 }); //sets the default color scheme to light style styleBase = database.GetItems(new StyleModel()).First(); } int themeNum = styleBase.ThemeNum; switch (themeNum) { case (int)StyleBase.ThemeNum.Dark: activeStyle = new DarkStyle(); break; case (int)StyleBase.ThemeNum.Light: activeStyle = new LightStyle(); break; } } return activeStyle; } set { } } 

看看这篇博客文章 。 特别是关于DynamicResourcesStyles

    #33302E White    




 App.Current.Resources ["backgroundColor"] = Color.White; App.Current.Resources ["textColor"] = Color.Black; 


您面临的问题是所有内容都已经呈现,并且您没有绑定任何属性,这些属性会将您在代码中所做的更改呈现给UI。 您可以采用MVVM方法并创建属性并绑定到它们,并在UI线程中更改它们时进行通知。

如果您只对黑暗和浅色主题感兴趣,那么您可以使用内置的Light主题和黑暗主题 。 您还可以创建自定义主题 。

通过包含Xamarin.Forms.Theme.Base Nuget包以及定义特定主题的附加包(例如Xamarin.Forms.Theme.Light)或者本地主题可以添加到Xamarin.Forms应用程序的主题为应用程序定义。


  • BoxView – Horizo​​ntalRule,Circle,Rounded

  • 图像 – 圆形,圆形,缩略图

  • 按钮 – 默认,主要,成功,信息,警告,危险,链接,小,大

  • 标签 – 标题,副标题,正文,链接,反向


  1. 将Nuget包添加到项目中。

  2. 在App.xaml中将主题添加到资源字典

  3. 使用Style类在主题中应用预定义的样式类。

