marshal c struct to c#

有没有人可以在c#中编组这部分c / c ++代码?

typedef struct { BYTE bCommandCode; BYTE bParameterCode; struct { DWORD dwSize; LPBYTE lpbBody; } Data; } COMMAND, *LPCOMMAND; 


首先,将上面的结构声明为托管结构 – 类似于:

  [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] struct SomeStruct { byte bCommandCode; byte bParameterCode; SomeOtherStruct otherStruct; Data Data; } struct SomeOtherStruct { uint dwSize; byte lpBody; } struct Data { } 

虽然你可能必须在这里和那里使用MarshalAs属性来确保它实际上将它们编组为正确的类型。 如果你想从内存中读取这个结构,例如,你可以这样做:

  var bytes = ReadBytes(address, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SomeStruct)), isRelative); fixed (byte* b = bytes) return (T) Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(b), typeof (SomeStruct)); 

我假设你想从内存中读取你的结构并将其编组成一个托管结构,因为否则你甚至根本不需要Marshal 。 另外,请确保在启用/unsafe编译上述代码。

 //01. Declare 'Command' structure public struct Command { public byte CommandCode; public byte ParameterCode; public struct Data { public uint Size; public IntPtr Body; } public Data SendData; } //02. Create & assign an instance of 'Command' structure //Create body array byte[] body = { 0x33, 0x32, 0x34, 0x31, 0x30 }; //Get IntPtr from byte[] (Reference: GCHandle pinnedArray = GCHandle.Alloc(body, GCHandleType.Pinned); IntPtr pointer = pinnedArray.AddrOfPinnedObject(); //Create command instance var command = new CardReaderLib.Command { CommandCode = 0x30, ParameterCode = 0x30, SendData = { Size = (uint) body.Length, Body = pointer } }; //do your stuff if (pinnedArray.IsAllocated) pinnedArray.Free();