Windowsapp store应用:如何使用可扩展/可扩展的ListItems制作ListView?

我在C#Windowsapp store应用程序中有一个包含项目的Listview(这就是你所说的那些?我听说它们不再被称为Metro应用程序)。

类似于Android中的ExpandableListView ,我希望能够点击该列表项目的列表项目(而不是按钮)进行扩展, 点击展开的列表项目以使其崩溃,如果您点击另一个列表项目,则当前展开的列表项目将会崩溃,另一个将扩大。

在我的特定情况下,我有一个DataTemplate用于listitems的展开和非展开视图。 我已经看到Android的ExpandableListView可以使用附加信息扩展listitem(来自WPF的Expander做类似的事情),而不是用更大的项目替换它 ,但在Windowsapp store应用程序中是否有一个通用的解决方案? 如果不是,最接近的等价物是什么?

如下图所示,我想知道是否有一个组件可以这种方式扩展listitems,如果没有,我有哪些替代方案: 在Windows应用商店应用中绘制Expandable-ListItem

我最终得到了一个有效的解决方案,但看起来并不太花哨。 当您单击项目但没有动画时它会切换DataTemplate :它会立即切换。





 public sealed partial class MainPage : Page { private DataTemplate dtSmall; private DataTemplate dtEnlarged; public MainPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); dtSmall = (DataTemplate)Resources["dtSmall"]; dtEnlarged = (DataTemplate)Resources["dtEnlarged"]; } // A selected item is treated as an expanded/enlarged item private void LVEnlargeable_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { /* First we set all the items that has been deselected to be collapsed, aka. using the dtSmall DataTemplate. We expect 0 or 1 item to have been deselected but handle all cases easily with a foreach loop. */ foreach (var item in e.RemovedItems) { // Set the DataTemplate of the deselected ListViewItems ((ListViewItem)(sender as ListView).ContainerFromItem(item)).ContentTemplate = dtSmall; } /* Then we set all the items that has been selected to be expanded. We should probably throw an Exception if more than 1 was found, because it's unwanted behavior, but we'll ignore that for now. */ foreach (var item in e.AddedItems) { ((ListViewItem)(sender as ListView).ContainerFromItem(e.AddedItems[0])).ContentTemplate = dtEnlarged; } } /* We need click events because SelectionChanged-events cannot detect clicks on an already selected item */ private void LVEnlargeable_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) { ListView lv = (sender as ListView); /* Having set the IsItemClickEnabled property on the ListView to True we have to handle selection events manually. If nothing is selected when this click occurs, then select this item*/ if (lv.SelectedItem == null) { lv.SelectedItem = e.ClickedItem; } else { // Clicking on an expanded/selected/enlarged item will deselect it if (lv.SelectedItem.Equals(e.ClickedItem)) { lv.SelectedItem = null; } else { /* If it's not a selected item, then select it (and let SelectionChanged unselect the already selected item) */ lv.SelectedItem = e.ClickedItem; } } } } 

我没有测试过这个孤立的代码本身对于这个解决方案是否足够,但我希望它是,并且这段代码至少包含关键点。 现在已经很晚了,我只是想为那些好奇的人发布一些东西。 如果这显示不适合您,那么请留下关于该问题的评论,我将确保添加缺少的部分。

我还搞砸了ListViewItemStyleContainer的ListViewItemPresenter以获得更好的选择效果等等,但我认为最好保持简短。 如果你发现这个也很有趣,那么也可以随意发表评论,我会尝试加入它。