
将类转换为另一个类列表的问题和答案很酷。 如何将MyData列表转换为另一个MyData2列表? 例如:

List list1 = new List(); // somewhere list1 is populated List list2; // Now I need list2 from list1. How to use similar LINQ or Lambda to get list2 = ... ? 


 list2 = (from x in list1 where list1.PropertyList == null select new MyData2( null, x.PropertyB, x.PropertyC). Union ( from y in list1 where list.PropertyList != null select new MyData2( /* ? how to loop each item in ProperyList */ y.PropertyB, y.PropertyC) ).ToList(); 



 list2 = list1.Select( x => new MyData2() { //do your variable mapping here PropertyB = x.PropertyB, PropertyC = x.PropertyC } ).ToList(); 


现在你改变了你的问题。 你可以做这样的事情来解决你想要做的事情。

 list2 = list1.Aggregate(new List(), (x, y) => { if (y.PropertyList == null) x.Add(new MyData2(null, y.PropertyB, y.PropertyC)); else x.AddRange(y.PropertyList.Select(z => new MyData2(z, y.PropertyB, y.PropertyC))); return x; } ); 
 list2 = list1.ConvertAll( a => a.MyConversion() )