


  1. ID int identity(1,1)
  2. 名称varchar(100)
  3. 详细信息varchar(200)
  4. 状态位
  5. CreatedDate日期时间




您可以看到Xbase数据文件(* .dbf)结构并编写自己的代码,但我已经完成了实现,并且已经使用了多年。 在这里你可以在GitHub上找到它


在名为DbfFile.cs的文件中有一些写入方法。 你可以使用它们中的任何一个。 我将解释其中一些:



 static void Write(string fileName, System.Data.DataTable table, Encoding encoding) 
  • fileName :是您希望保存.dbf输出文件的位置。
  • table :是您从SQL Server或任何其他来源读取的数据。
  • encoding :保存字符串数据时使用的编码



 static void Write(string fileName, List values, List> mapping, List columns, Encoding encoding) 

读取数据库并将结果保存到某个类类型,然后使用此方法将类值保存到dbf文件。 这是对它的参数的描述:

  • fileName :要保存的dbf文件名
  • values :您的数据作为要保存到dbf文件中的类型T的对象列表
  • mapping :告诉此方法如何从类类型中检索数据的函数列表。
  • columns :dbf列信息
  • encoding :dbf文件的编码。


由于第一种方法是直接的,我提供了第二种写方法的示例。 考虑您要将List数据保存到dbf文件中。 这是代码

 class MyClass { public int Id {get;set;} public string Name {get;set;} } 


 var idColumn = DbfFieldDescriptors.GetIntegerField("Id"); var nameColumn = DbfFieldDescriptors.GetStringField("Name"); var columns = new List() { idColumn, nameColumn }; Func mapId = myClass => myClass.Id; Func mapName = myClass => myClass.Name; var mapping = new List>() { mapId, mapName }; List values = new List(); values.Add(new MyClass() { Id = 1, Name = "name1" }); DbfFileFormat.Write(@"C:\yourFile.dbf", values, mapping, columns, Encoding.ASCII); 



大多数情况下,您可以在Trouble with Insert Into .dbf文件中看到所需的所有信息,因为它显示了如何创建表并在创建.dbf文件时将值插入其中。 您需要对指定的字段进行一些修改,但页面会描述您需要的所有内容。

我想帮忙。 然而,id坚持使用OLEDB用于VPF的普通过程。



 CREATE TABLE "C:\test.dbf" ([ID] Numeric(18,0), [Name] Char(100) NULL, [Details] Char(200) NULL, [Status] Logical NULL, [CreateDate] DATETIME NULL) 

然后,您可以从OLE DB脚本中调用此脚本,如下所示。

  string vpfScript = "CREATE TABLE \"C:\test.dbf\" ([ID] Numeric(18,0), [Name] Char(100) NULL, [Details] Char(200) NULL, [Status] Logical NULL, [CreateDate] DATETIME NULL)"; string connectionString = @"Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source=C:\test.dbf"; OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString); using (OleDbCommand scriptCommand = connection.CreateCommand()) { connection.Open(); scriptCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; scriptCommand.CommandText = "ExecScript"; scriptCommand.Parameters.Add("myScript", OleDbType.Char).Value = vfpScript; scriptCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } 



  string vpfScript = "INSERT INTO \"C:\test.dbf\" ([ID], [Name], [Details], [Status], [CreateDate]) VALUES (1,'test john','test details',.t.,{^2015-09-15)"; string connectionString = @"Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source=C:\test.dbf"; OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString); using (OleDbCommand scriptCommand = connection.CreateCommand()) { connection.Open(); scriptCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; scriptCommand.CommandText = "ExecScript"; scriptCommand.Parameters.Add("myScript", OleDbType.Char).Value = vfpScript; scriptCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } 


  DataTable dt = new DataTable(); // assuming this is already populated from your SQL Database. StringBuilder buildInsert = new StringBuilder(); string connectionString = @"Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source=C:\test.dbf"; OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString); using (OleDbCommand scriptCommand = connection.CreateCommand()) { connection.Open(); foreach(DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { string id = dr["ID"].ToString(); string name = dr["Name"].ToString(); string details = dr["Details"].ToString(); string status = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["Status"]) ? ".t." : ".f."; string createDate = "{^" + Convert.ToDateTime(dr["CreateDate"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "}"; builderInsert.Append("INSERT INTO \"C:\test.dbf\" ([ID], [Name], [Details], [Status], [CreateDate]) VALUES (" + id + ",\"" + name + "\",\"" + details + "\"," + status + "," + createDate + ")" + Environment.NewLine); scriptCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; scriptCommand.CommandText = "ExecScript"; scriptCommand.Parameters.Add("myScript", OleDbType.Char).Value = builderInsert; scriptCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); builderInsert = ""; } } 

如果您有其他疑虑,请告诉我。 不要忘记在机器中安装这个。 VFP OLE DB

要为您提供C#解决方案,我首先要下载与.DBF表一起使用的Microsoft Visual Foxpro OleDb Provider 。


 using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data.OleDb; 


  void MoveFromSQLToDBF() { // have a table to pull down your SQL Data... var dataFromSQL = new DataTable(); // However your connection to your SQL-Server using (var sqlConn = new SqlConnection("YourSQLConnectionString")) { using (var sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("", sqlConn)) { // Get all records from your table sqlCmd.CommandText = "select * from CountryMaster"; sqlConn.Open(); var sqlDA = new SqlDataAdapter(); // populate into a temp C# table sqlDA.Fill(dataFromSQL); sqlConn.Close(); } } // Now, create a connection to VFP // connect to a PATH where you want the data. using (var vfpConn = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source=C:\SomePathOnYourMachine\")) { using (var vfpCmd = new OleDbCommand("", vfpConn)) { // Create table command for VFP vfpCmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE testFromSQL ( ID Numeric(18,0), [Name] Char(100) NULL, [Details] Char(200) NULL, [Status] Logical NULL, [CreateDate] DATETIME NULL)"; vfpConn.Open(); vfpCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Now, change the command to a SQL-Insert command, but PARAMETERIZE IT. // "?" is a place-holder for the data vfpCmd.CommandText = "insert into testFromSQL " + "( ID, [Name], [Details], [Status], [CreateDate]) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )"; // Parameters added in order of the INSERT command above.. // SAMPLE values just to establish a basis of the column types vfpCmd.Parameters.Add( new OleDbParameter( "parmID", 10000000 )); vfpCmd.Parameters.Add( new OleDbParameter( "parmName", "sample string" )); vfpCmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter( "parmDetails", "sample string" )); vfpCmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter( "parmStatus", "sample string" )); vfpCmd.Parameters.Add( new OleDbParameter( "parmCreateDate", DateTime.Now )); // Now, for each row in the ORIGINAL SQL table, apply the insert to VFP foreach (DataRow dr in dataFromSQL.Rows) { // set the parameters based on whatever current record is vfpCmd.Parameters[0].Value = dr["ID"]; vfpCmd.Parameters[1].Value = dr["Name"]; vfpCmd.Parameters[2].Value = dr["Details"]; vfpCmd.Parameters[3].Value = dr["Status"]; vfpCmd.Parameters[4].Value = dr["CreateDate"]; // execute it vfpCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } // Finally, for compactness, use a VFP Script to copy to Excel (CSV) format using (var vfpCmd2 = new OleDbCommand("", vfpConn)) { vfpCmd2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; vfpCmd2.CommandText = "ExecScript"; vfpCmd2.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter( "csvScript", @"Use testFromSQL copy to YourCompactFile.csv type csv use" )); vfpCmd2.ExecuteNonQuery(); } // close VFP connection vfpConn.Close(); } } } 

由于OleDb不支持复制TYPE CSV,我在S / O上发现此post为您转储为CSV格式