
我需要在树中搜索可能在树中任何位置的数据。 如何用linq完成?

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var familyRoot = new Family() {Name = "FamilyRoot"}; var familyB = new Family() {Name = "FamilyB"}; familyRoot.Children.Add(familyB); var familyC = new Family() {Name = "FamilyC"}; familyB.Children.Add(familyC); var familyD = new Family() {Name = "FamilyD"}; familyC.Children.Add(familyD); //There can be from 1 to n levels of families. //Search all children, grandchildren, great grandchildren etc, for "FamilyD" and return the object. } } public class Family { public string Name { get; set; } List _children = new List(); public List Children { get { return _children; } } } 

这是对于It'sNotALie.的扩展It'sNotALie. 的答案 。

 public static class Linq { public static IEnumerable Flatten(this T source, Func> selector) { return selector(source).SelectMany(c => Flatten(c, selector)) .Concat(new[] { source }); } } 


 var result = familyRoot.Flatten(x => x.Children).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "FamilyD"); 



 public static IEnumerable Flatten(this IEnumerable source, Func> selector) { return source.SelectMany(x => Flatten(x, selector)) .Concat(source); } 


 var result = FamilyToEnumerable(familyRoot) .Where(f => f.Name == "FamilyD"); IEnumerable FamilyToEnumerable(Family f) { Stack stack = new Stack(); stack.Push(f); while (stack.Count > 0) { var family = stack.Pop(); yield return family; foreach (var child in family.Children) stack.Push(child); } } 


 familyRoot.Flatten(f => f.Children); //you can do whatever you want with that sequence there. //for example you could use Where on it and find the specific families, etc. IEnumerable Flatten(this T source, Func> selector) { return selector(source).SelectMany(c => Flatten(selector(c), selector)) .Concat(new[]{source}); } 

我喜欢Kenneth Bo Christensen使用堆栈的答案,它很好用,它易于阅读且速度快(并且不使用递归)。 唯一令人不快的是它颠倒了子项的顺序(因为堆栈是FIFO)。 如果排序顺序对您无关紧要,那就没关系。 如果是这样,可以使用选择器(当前)轻松实现排序。 foreach循环中的Reverse() (其余代码与Kenneth的原始post相同)…

 public static IEnumerable Flatten(this T source, Func> selector) { var stack = new Stack(); stack.Push(source); while (stack.Count > 0) { var current = stack.Pop(); yield return current; foreach (var child in selector(current).Reverse()) stack.Push(child); } } 


  1. 你需要一个锚来制作
  2. 你需要递归部分

     // Anchor rootFamily.Children.ForEach(childFamily => { if (childFamily.Name.Contains(search)) { // Your logic here return; } SearchForChildren(childFamily); }); // Recursion public void SearchForChildren(Family childFamily) { childFamily.Children.ForEach(_childFamily => { if (_childFamily.Name.Contains(search)) { // Your logic here return; } SearchForChildren(_childFamily); }); } 

因此,最简单的选择是编写一个遍历层次结构并生成单个序列的函数。 然后,这将在LINQ操作开始时进行,例​​如

  IEnumerable Flatten(this T source) { foreach(var item in source) { yield item; foreach(var child in Flatten(item.Children) yield child; } } 

简单地调用:familyRoot.Flatten()。Where(n => n.Name ==“Bob”);


  IEnumerable Flatten(this T source, Func predicate) { foreach(var item in source) { if (predicate(item)) { yield item; foreach(var child in Flatten(item.Children) yield child; } } 

然后你可以做以下事情:family.Flatten(n => n.Children.Count> 2)。所以(…)


  public static IEnumerable Flatten1(this T source, Func> selector) { return selector(source).SelectMany(c => Flatten1(c, selector)).Concat(new[] { source }); } public static IEnumerable Flatten2(this T source, Func> selector) { var stack = new Stack(); stack.Push(source); while (stack.Count > 0) { var current = stack.Pop(); yield return current; foreach (var child in selector(current)) stack.Push(child); } } 



首先,前两个给出了违反直觉的命令。 要获得结果的良好树遍历排序,只需反转连接(首先放置“源”)。




 public static IEnumerable Flatten(this T source, Func> children , Func selector , Func branchpredicate = null ) { if (children == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("children"); if (selector == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("selector"); var pred = branchpredicate ?? (src => true); if (children(source) == null) return new[] { selector(source) }; return new[] { selector(source) } .Concat(children(source) .Where(pred) .SelectMany(c => Flatten(c, children, selector, pred))); }