

例如,我正在研究背景拼写检查程序的API。 拼写检查会话被包装为Task 。 每个新会话都应该取消之前的会话并等待其终止(正确地重新使用拼写检查服务提供商等资源)。


 class Spellchecker { Task pendingTask = null; // pending session CancellationTokenSource cts = null; // CTS for pending session // SpellcheckAsync is called by the client app public async Task SpellcheckAsync(CancellationToken token) { // SpellcheckAsync can be re-entered var previousCts = this.cts; var newCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(token); this.cts = newCts; if (IsPendingSession()) { // cancel the previous session and wait for its termination if (!previousCts.IsCancellationRequested) previousCts.Cancel(); // this is not expected to throw // as the task is wrapped with ContinueWith await this.pendingTask; } newCts.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var newTask = SpellcheckAsyncHelper(newCts.Token); this.pendingTask = newTask.ContinueWith((t) => { this.pendingTask = null; // we don't need to know the result here, just log the status Debug.Print(((object)t.Exception ?? (object)t.Status).ToString()); }, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously); return await newTask; } // the actual task logic async Task SpellcheckAsyncHelper(CancellationToken token) { // do not start a new session if the the previous one still pending if (IsPendingSession()) throw new ApplicationException("Cancel the previous session first."); // do the work (pretty much IO-bound) try { bool doMore = true; while (doMore) { token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); await Task.Delay(500); // placeholder to call the provider } return doMore; } finally { // clean-up the resources } } public bool IsPendingSession() { return this.pendingTask != null && !this.pendingTask.IsCompleted && !this.pendingTask.IsCanceled && !this.pendingTask.IsFaulted; } } 

客户端应用程序(UI)应该能够根据需要多次调用SpellcheckAsync ,而不必担心取消挂起的会话。 主要的doMore循环在UI线程上运行(因为它涉及UI,而所有拼写检查服务提供程序调用都是IO绑定的)。

我觉得我不得不将API分成两个版本, SpellcheckAsyncSpellcheckAsyncHelper ,但是我想不出更好的方法,而且还有待测试,我感到有点不舒服。



 Task pendingTask = null; // pending session CancellationTokenSource cts = null; // CTS for pending session // SpellcheckAsync is called by the client app on the UI thread public async Task SpellcheckAsync(CancellationToken token) { // SpellcheckAsync can be re-entered var previousCts = this.cts; var newCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(token); this.cts = newCts; if (previousCts != null) { // cancel the previous session and wait for its termination previousCts.Cancel(); try { await this.pendingTask; } catch { } } newCts.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); this.pendingTask = SpellcheckAsyncHelper(newCts.Token); return await this.pendingTask; } // the actual task logic async Task SpellcheckAsyncHelper(CancellationToken token) { // do the work (pretty much IO-bound) using (...) { bool doMore = true; while (doMore) { token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); await Task.Delay(500); // placeholder to call the provider } return doMore; } } 


 class AsyncWorker { Task _pendingTask; CancellationTokenSource _pendingTaskCts; // the actual worker task async Task DoWorkAsync(CancellationToken token) { token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); Debug.WriteLine("Start."); await Task.Delay(100, token); Debug.WriteLine("Done."); } // start/restart public void Start(CancellationToken token) { var previousTask = _pendingTask; var previousTaskCts = _pendingTaskCts; var thisTaskCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(token); _pendingTask = null; _pendingTaskCts = thisTaskCts; // cancel the previous task if (previousTask != null && !previousTask.IsCompleted) previousTaskCts.Cancel(); Func runAsync = async () => { // await the previous task (cancellation requested) if (previousTask != null) await previousTask.WaitObservingCancellationAsync(); // if there's a newer task started with Start, this one should be cancelled thisTaskCts.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); await DoWorkAsync(thisTaskCts.Token).WaitObservingCancellationAsync(); }; _pendingTask = Task.Factory.StartNew( runAsync, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()).Unwrap(); } // stop public void Stop() { if (_pendingTask == null) return; if (_pendingTask.IsCanceled) return; if (_pendingTask.IsFaulted) _pendingTask.Wait(); // instantly throw an exception if (!_pendingTask.IsCompleted) { // still running, request cancellation if (!_pendingTaskCts.IsCancellationRequested) _pendingTaskCts.Cancel(); // wait for completion if (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState() == ApartmentState.MTA) { // MTA, blocking wait _pendingTask.WaitObservingCancellation(); } else { // TODO: STA, async to sync wait bridge with DoEvents, // similarly to Thread.Join } } } } // useful extensions public static class Extras { // check if exception is OperationCanceledException public static bool IsOperationCanceledException(this Exception ex) { if (ex is OperationCanceledException) return true; var aggEx = ex as AggregateException; return aggEx != null && aggEx.InnerException is OperationCanceledException; } // wait asynchrnously for the task to complete and observe exceptions public static async Task WaitObservingCancellationAsync(this Task task) { try { await task; } catch (Exception ex) { // rethrow if anything but OperationCanceledException if (!ex.IsOperationCanceledException()) throw; } } // wait for the task to complete and observe exceptions public static void WaitObservingCancellation(this Task task) { try { task.Wait(); } catch (Exception ex) { // rethrow if anything but OperationCanceledException if (!ex.IsOperationCanceledException()) throw; } } } 

测试使用(仅为DoWorkAsync生成一个“Start / Done”输出):

 private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var worker = new AsyncWorker(); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) worker.Start(CancellationToken.None); } 

希望这会很有用 – 尝试创建可以重复使用的Helper类:

 class SelfCancelRestartTask { private Task _task = null; public CancellationTokenSource TokenSource { get; set; } = null; public SelfCancelRestartTask() { } public async Task Run(Action operation) { if (this._task != null && !this._task.IsCanceled && !this._task.IsCompleted && !this._task.IsFaulted) { TokenSource?.Cancel(); await this._task; TokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); } else { TokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); } this._task = Task.Run(operation, TokenSource.Token); } 

当异步方法在彼此之后快速多次调用(例如四次)时,上述示例似乎存在问题。 然后,此方法的所有后续调用都取消第一个任务,最后生成三个同时运行的新任务。 所以我想出了这个:

  private List> _parameterExtractionTasks = new List>(); /// This method is asynchronous, ie it runs partly in the background. As this method might be called multiple times /// quickly after each other, a mechanism has been implemented that all tasks from previous method calls are first canceled before the task is started anew. public async void ParameterExtraction() { CancellationTokenSource newCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); // Define the task which shall run in the background. Task newTask = new Task(() => { // do some work here } } }, newCancellationTokenSource.Token); _parameterExtractionTasks.Add(new Tuple(newTask, newCancellationTokenSource)); /* Convert the list to arrays as an exception is thrown if the number of entries in a list changes while * we are in a for loop. This can happen if this method is called again while we are waiting for a task. */ Task[] taskArray = _parameterExtractionTasks.ConvertAll(item => item.Item1).ToArray(); CancellationTokenSource[] tokenSourceArray = _parameterExtractionTasks.ConvertAll(item => item.Item2).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < taskArray.Length - 1; i++) { // -1: the last task, ie the most recent task, shall be run and not canceled. // Cancel all running tasks which were started by previous calls of this method if (taskArray[i].Status == TaskStatus.Running) { tokenSourceArray[i].Cancel(); await taskArray[i]; // wait till the canceling completed } } // Get the most recent task Task currentThreadToRun = taskArray[taskArray.Length - 1]; // Start this task if, but only if it has not been started before (ie if it is still in Created state). if (currentThreadToRun.Status == TaskStatus.Created) { currentThreadToRun.Start(); await currentThreadToRun; // wait till this task is completed. } // Now the task has been completed once. Thus we can recent the list of tasks to cancel or maybe run. _parameterExtractionTasks = new List>(); }